Unclutter For Mac

Download Unclutter for macOS 10.10 or later and enjoy it on your Mac. ‎Unclutter is a new handy place on your desktop for storing notes, files and pasteboard clips. To open, simply move the pointer to the very top of screen and scroll down. Unclutter for Mac – a new handy place on your desktop for storing notes, files and pasteboard clips.

Unclutter for mac

Unclutter For Mac Review

Unclutter is an application to tidy up and reclaim your home screen. Icon clutter is a common occurrence. This is the app to turn to if you want to avoid this issue.

Organized and convenient

Unclutter is a handy place to store notes, pasteboard clips, and files at a gesture’s length away.

Fighting the chaos on your desktop is always hard; shortcuts quickly grow into a tree of folders that hold all your files, apps, and notes. There are few ways to eliminate the clutter truly, but Uncluttered is fantastic option.

Unclutter For Mac

This program uses quick controls for instant access to its interface. You’ll move your cursor to the top of your display, scroll down, and the interface will pop out, ready to use.

To use the file storage, drag any selected files and drop them into the Uncluttered window that pops up. With this system, you don’t have to sort through a ton of folders to find a specific file. All your data is available in one place.

Unclutter App For Mac

Writing down notes or saving the content on your clipboard is all done within Unclutter’s interface. With an endless supply of notes and a cleanly organized system, you’ll never leave reminders or random sayings scattered on your desktop.

The application syncs automatically between your devices, saving notes, files, and app icons. The benefit of syncing allows you to save ideas and work on them without needing to be at one specific computer or laptop.

Using more than one monitor presents no issue. Uncluttered can support multiple screens at once.

Where can you run this program?

Unclutter is available for Mac OS X 10.10 and later

Is there a better alternative?

No. There are alternatives to keep notes organized and work more comfortably, such as Evernote or F.lux. Unclutter has more functions and a greater ease of use, though.

Our take

Unclutter is extremely useful, and restores order to disorganized computer screens. It instantly becomes more convenient to use your desktop.

Should you download it?

Yes. If you’re looking for a solution to a cluttered desktop, then this is the perfect app for you.